This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Become a Photographer!

A great way to make money at home is as a photographer.  Now be careful.  You WILL find sites that want you to pay them money to tell you how to do this.  Don't waste your money.  This is another area where common sense comes in to play.  You can make money by starting your own studio and specializing in a particular genre like kids, portraits, weddings, etc.  You can mix and match and do all of them.  You could set up a booth at the fair and make money with old time photos or medivial photos, you name it and you can take a picture of it!

Another way is to get into the stock photography field.  There are numerous places that buy pictures for others to use.  These pictures get used in commercial ads, on websites, and in a host of other places.   A good starting point is Stock Photo Mom  she keeps a great blog with information about being a stock photographer and some great hints and tips on how to shoot good pictures. 

If you want to be a photographer and make money with it be sure to bookmark this site!


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