This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Work at home envelope stuffing scam

Envelope stuffing scam. 

This one always amazes me.  Just the fact that it has been around SO long in one form or another.   Remember reading the classifieds and seeing the ads?  Well you still find the ads in the classifieds but now you find them online as well.   

Earn Extra Income! Make $1275.88 after stuffing ONLY 100 envelopes!! 

Make Money from the Dorm, Home or Office! 

Earn Extra Income for College! 

Pay off those Loans!

Just send $29.99 for training materials and start making money today!

Uh huh.... here is what you usually get:   Your training materials consist of information telling you how to start your business.   Just place ads online or in regular newspaper classifieds sections offering a work at home job stuffing envelopes.. make your ads look really good and sound legit.  Now YOU ask for $29.99 or whatever amount to send other people these SAME training materials. 

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