This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Don't pay for free advice

This isn't exactly a scam post but just advice.  I was just reading about a website that charges people an amazingly astounding amount of money just to help them get their websites good rankings in the search engines.   One of the partners was even nice enough to leave a post about how they have helped people.  His defense was along the lines of telling everyone a "secret".  His secret was that you could use different terms as your keywords and get good rankings.
Guess what?  This isn't a secret!  This information can be found anywhere.  In fact I will give it to you for free:
When you are writing the content for your website give some thought to the keywords you want to rank high for.  Keep in mind that some keywords have a lot of competition.  So if you are writing a website about working at home, the keywords "work from home" will have a ton of competition and you will not rank too high.  Think of other terms that someone might think of like "how to work at home".  Incorporate this phrase into your content for instance your opening paragraph might be  "Would you like to learn how to work from home?".   Make sure you list the phrase "how to work from home" in your meta tags and voila!  Eventually you might have some good rankings for "how to work from home"..   Not a big secret at all.... :)
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