Here is something that has been on my mind for a couple of days now. I keep running across these "programs" and you all know how I feel about that, but I am just amazed that people are falling for this. They are under a lot of different names but the basic premise is that you first purchase an e-book, then you are immediately made an affiliate of the "program", you get others to buy the e-book and become affiliates and you make money from their getting people to buy the ebook and become affiliates, and so on and so forth. This goes on for about 7 levels and sometimes more.
First why would you buy into a program like this? Because they make big promises. What is wrong with buying into a program like this? It seems a lot like another version of the whole 12 daily pro fiasco.
You can easily become an affiliate for free by signing up with clickbank, shareasale, linkshare etc. You won't get paid 7 levels deep of course but there is a reason for that.
Typically most affiliate programs pay on one or two levels, you never have to pay to become an affiliate and you aren't expected to post ads like crazy. Save your money and sign up for free!
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