This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Why do we fall for the scams?

This is easy to answer and hard to answer all at the same time.   It seems like when people in general get on the internet they tend to believe whatever they see.   Kind of like believing whatever you read in a newspaper or watch on television.

For instance why do you think those websites promising hundreds of dollars a day while you sleep are still up and running?    Ever see the websites promising data entry jobs and they have thousands of companies in their database you can work for?  All you have to do is pay a one time fee of $39.95 and of course this is the discounted price for one week only.   Bet if you go back a month from now they are still offering the discounted price.  I would also bet that once you pay for access to their wonderful data base you will find out there is no job at all.   Just a way to run a pay per click business and that business will cost you a lot of money if you don't understand what you are doing.

These places are still in business because we make it profitable for them to be in business.   With the mindset of it it is written it must be true we fall prey to their promises and send in our hard earned money. 

The internet is really not any different than the outside world.   The internet does offer us a information and a lot of it on any subject we wish to explore but it cannot make jobs magically appear with just your credit card number.   It cannot promise you work instantly.  Just because it is written doesn't make it so.

Before you hand over that credit card number do some research and make sure you know exactly what you are signing up for.   Stop and think about what it is you might really be purchasing and make sure you will be able to live with your decision.

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