This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Avon interview

Avon is a network marketing company that has been around for ages and ages!  Remember the commercials?  Ding Dong, Avon calling, or something close to that!   When you look at companies like Avon it is amazing to me how many people can STILL say that network marketing is a farce.  There are SO many people who are successful in this business and they are not all at the top.  You could start today and find yourself making a decent living in no time. 
If for some reason you haven't heard of Avon before now, they are a company that sells makeup, perfume, jewelry, clothes, gifts, etc.  They are the makers of Skin so Soft bath care products among other things. 
Our friend at Work at Home Mom recently posted an interview with Meg Johnson who works with Avon.  Take a look and see for yourself just how Avon might be the right company for you!
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