This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

VMC Satellite

VMC Satellite is an opportunity that many people are already successful at.  As a VMC Satellite affiliate your job is to promote television satellite systems.  That is it.  The company takes care of the actual sales and the installation etc.  You just promote the dish using your affiliate ID. 
Here is the catch.  Most people sign up with the thought and idea that "hey, I can just use the website they give me, advertise it on the internet and watch the money come in", the second fallacy is along the same lines but goes like this: "I can promote the opportunity, get others to sign up and make money from their sales!"  Remember when we talked about downlines and how it is important to actually sell the product?  This is the same thing.
Everyone I know who is making good money from the satellite systems does NOT do it strictly online.  They print up the flyers, place them in new apartment complexes, new subdivision developments, post them everywhere they can think of.  Some people even pay to put their ads in those little envelopes of coupons you get in the mail.  There are tons of great ways to promote the dishes but if you try to do it strictly online you will probably fail. 
If this is a job you are interested in trying out to work from home just Click Here and you can get all the details!   VMC Satellite

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