A fantastic way to earn money from home and one in which I wish I could spend the time to do is to make scrapbooks. You can make scrapbooks with all the great little details, add stickers, borders, embellishments all the fun stuff but leave room for some pictures and journaling. You would be amazed how many people will pay for these books!
There are a lot of people who love the look of scrapbooks and want to preserve their pictures and memories but who don't have the time to scrapbook. There are also a lot of people who believe they just don't have the talent to scrapbook their pictures. This is where you come to the rescue and make money at the same time!
I have seen mini scrapbooks sell for $50 or more regularly on ebay. Imagine what you can sell a full size 20-25 page album for? I would guess an easy $100 or more depending on the person.
You can also advertise around town and actually collect someones pictures and set up a theme with them. These books you can charge more for. The going rate last time I checked was around $20 a page!
If you love scrapbooking and want to make money this is one way to do it!
FREE list of paid survey sites: www.katieshugs.com
FREE information on government grants, auctions, and more! www.freefromscams.com
All new all scrapbooking website! www.scrapbooking4us.com
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