This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

PayPerPost Controversy

After giving some thought to the whole PayPerPost controversy I decided to give it a shot.  This is why.  My work deals primarily in the work at home scam field.  As you know, there are a lot of different types of people.  There are people who use deception to get you to spend money to work at home and there are people who will tell you the truth.   I have talked a lot about business ethics when you are working at home and I believe the same thing applies to PayPerPost.  You will have people who will write articles and give product reviews without ever even looking at the website they are talking about.  That is how our world is and no one can make it perfect.  Regardless of the field you will have people who decide to use it to their advantage and they won't care what anyone thinks.  As bloggers we are supposed to be transparent and we don't have to give that up.  There is a reason your readers trust you.  They have come to know you and believe in you.  The bloggers who are using PayPerPost just to make money with no regard to their readers by giving false reviews or not disclosing that it is a paid review will soon lose their readership. 
On the flip side you will also have bloggers who use the PayPerPost opportunity exactly the way it was meant to be used.  They will look at the website or product and if they like it and if it fits in with their blog they will write a good review.  If they can't give an honest and good review they will skip over that opportunity and look at the next one.  Those of us who are willing to disclose and only give honest reviews will maintain and grow our readership and that trust will not be affected. 
I looked at three opportunities today.  One I couldn't find enough information about to be sure it was good and fit in with my beliefs so I didn't write about it.  The other two I did write about.  This is one of them..disclosure can be a good thing!
Use PayPerPost the way it was meant to be used and I believe you will like it.  You don't have to compromise your morals to make a living online.
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