This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Omega Pharma Secretarial position

This is an exerpt from a message I found from Adrianna.  Adrianna answered an advertisement from Eric Fortner.  He had posted a work at home opportunity as a Secretary for Omega Pharma.  I will post the emails as they appeared in the message.  The first is from Eric himself.  The rest are what happened when Adrianna started looking into this more:
"I recently applied for a work-at-home position on for a Secretary position. I received a contract from a Eric Fortner, typed in my information (not my SSN#) and received my first task via e-mail doing some data entry for a frist_AID.doc.

I have NOT been asked for any money, I have researched that the company does exsit, and can not find any negativity in any of these forums or searches about this individual or company. I am currently waiting for verification from an e-mail I sent to the listed contact info from the website he gave me as to whether or not he works there.

If anyone has heard of this before or is currently working for them, please post and let me know. Or after reading all of this please post your thoughts if this is a scam or legit.

Thanks Much,

Here is the E-mail I received with the attachment:

Dear Adrianna,

My name is Eric Fortner and I'd like to thank you for the interest in our job
position Home Secretary at Omega-Pharma Inc a part of Robert Half Legal. All
information regarding our company you can easy find at our website:
The primary target for this year is a promotion of our products to the USA
market and we have established Home Secretary position for you.
Duties for the Secretary will be simple and you will be able to be at home doing
our tasks. Main duties will be to fill some documents, type text, fill and sort
forms and other information, manage emails and letters and some other simple
tasks. You will be paid by the wire transfer at the end of every month with your
base salary plus bonus which will accumulate during the current work month.
We want to create the most convenient work place for you, so if you will need
help or you will have questions regarding our tasks, I will assist you.
I am sending you our brief Secretary Contract, which include your duties and
salary amounts. Please, review it and if you agree to all , then I'd like
to ask you to fill it and email me back the filled copy. After we will receive
your application, you will be set up to work with our company and I will
instruct you with your first task.

I wish, you will enjoy working with us!
Hope to hear from you soon,

Thank you,

Eric Fortner
OmegaPharma Inc.
To: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
Subject: Re: Secretary position
Date: Friday, March 24, 2006 7:33:16 PM [View Source]
Dear Mr. Fortner,

Thank you for selecting me for a Home Secretary position with Omega-Pharma Inc a part of Robert Half Legal. I accept this position and have attached a completed contract per your request.

I await your first task!


Adrianna xxxx
__________________________________________________ ______________

From: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
[Add to Address Book]
Subject: Good news and first task
Date: Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:06:47 PM [View Source]
Hello Adrianna!

It is Joerg Bilsten back to you with good news!
First of all, I'd like to congratulate you! Your payment account was set up and the first paycheck will be deposited to you at the beginning of the next work month.
Secondly, I have compiled the first task and I have attached some text documents which you will have to read and sort.Please, read the .PDF file in the attachment. This is the table of first aids components. Read the .doc file. This is the page, which must be filled for EVERY component. Use the information from the table and create a new file for each component, using the # of the component in the file name. Files must be named as 'FirstAID_N01.doc', 'FirstAID_N02.doc', etc. All fields are the same as in table, so you won't have any trouble inserting the data. Please, be careful and don't mess the recordings, because these papers will be used as a help sheets to some people, and we must not have any errors, I hope you understand.This task must be done within the nearest 5 days. You may either send me a portion of sorted files every day, or send all of them after you will be done.

If you will have any questions, feel free to ask.
Eric Fortner
OmegaPharma Inc.
__________________________________________________ _______________
To: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
Subject: Re: Regarding the 1st task
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:19:55 AM [View Source]
Hi Eric,

Yes I have received your fist task and I am working quickly to finish. I have attached the first 35 completed files for your review. Please advise me if I need to make any changes.
In addition, I have a question regarding my first paycheck deposit: will I be paid the first week of April?
Thank you,
I will finish the rest of the files soon,

Adrianna xxxx

(Attachments successfully scanned for viruses.)
__________________________________________________ ____________
From: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
[Add to Address Book]
Subject: 1st task
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:08:04 AM [View Source Off]

Received: from ([])
by (rwcrmxc22) with SMTP
id <20060328120804r22002tuume>; Tue, 28 Mar 2006 12:08:04 +0000
X-Originating-IP: []
Hello, Adrianna!

Thank you for the message. I have reviewed several pages and they look exactly as we need. Continue doing this taks and I am compiling the new one for you.


Eric Fortner
OmegaPharma Inc.
__________________________________________________ _______________
To: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
Subject: Re: 1st task
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:07:48 PM [View Source]
Hi Eric,

I'm glad you are pleased with my work, thank you. I will complete the rest soon.
I am still curios though as to when my fist paycheck will be deposited? Will it be the first week of April?
__________________________________________________ _______________
Subject: Re: 1st task
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:09:07 PM [View Source]
Hello, Adrianna!

your paycheck will be sent in a month from the Contract signature. We have received your contract on 03/25, so the first payment will be sent on 04/25.
However, during the work time you may be receiving customers payments and according to our Contract you will take from every payment your 2% comissions instantly, so you will get money sooner.


Eric Fortner
OmegaPharma Inc.
__________________________________________________ _______________
To: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
Subject: Re: paycheck
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:12:27 PM [View Source]
Hi Eric,
I'm sorry, I'm a little confused with your last e-mail you sent regarding my paycheck. I understand I will be paid on March 25, however, I do not understand your statement: "However, during the work time you may be receiving customers payments and according to our Contract you will take from every payment your 2% comissions instantly, so you will get money sooner.". My contract stated:

-manage payments from customers and suppliers (2% paid additionally from every payment)

My questions are:
-What method/how are these customers going to be paying me?
-I thought the contact meant 'manage' meaning keeping invoices and bookeeping for these customers, not receiving payments?
-What is your correct phone number? I tried to call it today and it is disconnected..I have (32)(0)9/381.12.20?

Thanks for explaining,
Adrianna xxxx
__________________________________________________ ______________
From: "Eric Fortner, OmegaPharma" <>
[Add to Address Book]
Subject: Re: paycheck
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:00:57 PM [View Source Off]


Your first payment will be sent to you after a month of your work, that means that the payment will be sent on April, 25th. Managing customers payments means that they will send to you their payment and you will collect and process these payment accoring to our instructions. That's why we pay 2% additional payment.You may open separate bank account to receive cusomters payment, it is normal and recommended.


Eric Fortner
OmegaPharma Inc.
__________________________________________________ _______________
these two e-mails are from and to Omega Pharma

From: (Adrianna)
[Add to Address Book]
Subject: verification
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 10:27:30 PM [View Source]

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Adrianna xxxx and I recently received a contract for employment from Eric Fortner as a work-at-home Secretary. I am writing to verify that Eric Fortner is an employee of Omega-Pharma and this is a legitimate position with the company. Please inform me of any information you may have to this regard. I have attached a copy of the contract and below you will find the E-mail I was sent:

Dear Adrianna,

My name is Eric Fortner and I'd like to thank you for the interest in our job
position Home Secretary at Omega-Pharma Inc a part of Robert Half Legal. All
information regarding our company you can easy find at our website: blah (SEE FIRST POST)

I wish, you will enjoy working with us!
Hope to hear from you soon,

Thank you,

Eric Fortner
OmegaPharma Inc.

Please feel free to contact me,
Thank you,
Adrianna xxxx
__________________________________________________ _______________
From: "Freya Loncin" <>
[Add to Address Book]
To: <*********>
Subject: FW: verification
Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:18:53 AM [View Source]
Dear Ms XXXX,

We duly received your e-mail in respect of a position as secretary at home.
Please be advised that no person, named Eric Fortner is working at or on behalf of the Omega Pharma group. None of the correspondence and communication you have received from this person is in any way related to Omega Pharma. This person has no mandate to act on behalf of our company.

We should however be grateful if you could provide us with a copy of all communication and e-mails you have received from this person, as we are currently investigating all possible actions against Eric Fortner.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Kind regards.
Freya Loncin
__________________________________________________ _______________

That's all of it. I forwrded the last e-mail Omega Pharma sent me to him asking Eric to explain this. I will post his explanation if he gives me one.

So beware all. I haven't lost any money, just a little time. But- does anyone know the consquences of giving out my bank accout number and routing number? Couldn't anyone get that off of a check you write to them?

Thanks Much
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