This blog is meant to help you determine which work at home job or program is for you. I am not making any determinations on whether or not a particular program is a scam. I am simply giving you the information to make that call for yourself.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Recovery Manager

This one has been around for awhile.  Supposedly you buy software for around $30 that enables you to get lists from places like DHL, Fed Ex etc.  There is even a version involving HUD.  These lists are supposed to let you find people who the companies owe money to.  You apply for the refund on behalf of the customer and you get to keep 50% or so.
Well now.. if a company owes me money Im not about to pay anyone 50% of the refund because they applied for me.  Moreover, I don't think you can legally apply for someone elses refund.  If you are not the person owed the money you can't do anything about it.  
I don't think this scheme is possible.  If you have tried it or know of anyone else who has I would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment.
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